Big Brother 26’s Tucker Secures Major Deal With This Houseguest Amid Power Of Veto Ceremony (SPOILERS)

Big Brother season 26’s Tucker Des Lauriers is using his Head Of Household reign to make some more unpredictable moves, securing a deal with an unlikely houseguest with the Power Of Veto. Big Brother season 26 has been moving quickly, and the power struggle has been making it difficult for the houseguests to strategize their way through the summer. Tucker, who has won nearly a competition a week throughout the season, has been making some difficult decisions as the ruling Head Of Household, hopeful to keep the target on his back from getting any bigger to the other houseguests.

“I'm hoping that he remembers this and doesn't try to backdoor me"

In a preview clip from the August 21 episode of Big Brother (via EW and @thx4bnu on X), Tucker promises to use the Power Of Veto on his arch-nemesis in the game, Quinn Martin, should he win it. In the clip, Tucker shares with Quinn that he hopes to use the Power Of Veto to save him, as long as Quinn doesn’t mention his plan to anyone else in the game. Quinn, ecstatic at the idea of being safe, quickly agrees to the plan.

While Tucker’s promise may have seemed like a trick, he clarified to the Big Brother audience that he’s serious about saving Quinn“I think he's a very likely candidate to win HOH next week,” Tucker explains in the Diary Room. “I'm hoping that he remembers this and doesn't try to backdoor me like I think the majority of the people in the house would try to do.”

Big Brother’s Quinn Exposes Tucker’s Plan To Brooklyn

Tucker’s Deal May Not Go Through


Tucker Des Lauriers from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

rubina bernabe from big brother season 26 smiling in brown and pink sweater

Cedric Hodges from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Quinn Martin from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Angela Murray from Big Brother season 26 in gray blazer smiling

Tucker Des Lauriers from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

rubina bernabe from big brother season 26 smiling in brown and pink sweater

Cedric Hodges from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Quinn Martin from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

Angela Murray from Big Brother season 26 in gray blazer smiling

While Tucker offered Quinn a deal for safety from the week’s eviction, the deal stipulated that Quinn wasn’t allowed to say anything to anyone about this potential safety. While he was likely hopeful he’d be able to keep things quiet, Quinn quickly revealed that Tucker had offered him safety to Brooklyn Rivera, another nominee on the block. Quinn’s alliance with Brooklyn pushed him to speak up, but with his fellow Pentagon alliance member on the block beside him, Brooklyn may not have been a safe choice to keep things quiet, especially since Tucker told her she wasn’t his target.

Tucker’s deal was a saving grace for Quinn, whose game would likely be dead in the water in the game if he were to lose the Power Of Veto. Quinn’s decision to break his word to Tucker and share with Brooklyn that he’d been offered safety may work out if she doesn’t speak up, but Brooklyn being on the nomination block makes things complicated. It’s possible that, since she was originally told she was a pawn and has now come to understand that may not be true, Brooklyn could reveal to Tucker that Quinn shared he was offered safety.

As Big Brother 26 continues, the game has become increasingly more complicated. With Big Brother's AI Arena twist still in play, the Head Of Households have been getting blood on their hands throughout each week of the competition, making their games much harder strategically. With Tucker securing the Head Of Household in the most recent week, he can potentially become even more dangerous with the Power Of Veto, wielding an immense amount of power this week. Big Brother’s new era legend may find his back against the wall with his deal to Quinn before the week’s end.

Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EDT and Sunday at 9 p.m. EDT on CBS.

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